
Sustainability at the Core of Business Operations: Key to a Greener Planet
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Sustainability at the Core of Business Operations: Key to a Greener Planet

Over the last decade, we have seen a growing preference for products made by companies that have built purpose and sustainability into their business model. Some of the world’s most successful and fastest growing companies have adopted care for the environment and a commitment to work to help solve some of society’s most pressing problems so that purpose and sustainability have become hallmarks of successful and respected businesses.

Printing And The New Normal
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Printing And The New Normal

Nobody could have predicted the recent and dramatic changes to the ways in which we live and work. With COVID-19 forcing millions of office workers worldwide to suddenly abandon traditional workplaces in favor of home offices, companies and individuals have had to rapidly discover the most efficient and effective ways to keep operating. Suddenly the daily commutes, face-to-face meetings and business travel we took for granted have been replaced by home offices, virtual meetings and new routines.

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Although business inkjet printers have become increasingly widespread due to advantages such as superior environmental performance, many office users still believe that these inkjets are too expensive and print with insufficient quality to compete with laser printers. The growing need to go green in the office has therefore presented users with a dilemma, and printer manufacturers with a challenge to overcome these perceived shortcomings.

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A recent independent report published by Keypoint Intelligence and commissioned by Epson found that "going green" was second only to "improving data and document security" in a list of priorities for IT decision makers over the next three years. Going green was cited by 33% of respondents and ranked higher than digital transformation priorities such as "shifting from paper processes to electronic" and finding "cloud solutions to business processes".

Home Printers Are Making Lockdown Life A Lot Easier
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Home Printers Are Making Lockdown Life A Lot Easier

With Work from Home and Study from Home becoming the norm, families are realising that a printer at home is not just useful but essential. With office deadlines to meet, workplace targets to achieve, school syllabus and science projects to complete, all from the safety of our homes, our lives are busier than ever. The more demanding our routines get, the more we realise that the need of the hour is a reliable home printer that gets our jobs done at a reasonable cost per print, without frequently running out of ink, and without consuming too much power when in use. Here’s why that printer at home can make your life so much easier

In-house Large Format Auto-CAD Printing makes sense - and we'll prove it
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In-house Large Format Auto-CAD Printing makes sense - and we'll prove it

The value of the Indian print industry was estimated to be over 330 billion Indian rupees as of fiscal year 2019. This is expected to shoot up to almost 410 billion rupees by fiscal year 2024, demonstrating an astonishing growth in the sector[1]. So instead of outsourcing your print jobs to a third party, now, is the right time to invest in a high-quality printer.

Get ready for school with an economical printer
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Get ready for school with an economical printer

With students returning back to class to start 2020, there's never been a better time to look into hassle-free printing solutions.

Tips for printing your photos as greeting cards
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Tips for printing your photos as greeting cards

Purchasing greeting cards from the store is alright but it doesn’t make a lasting impression, does it?

Have you heard about the Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?
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Have you heard about the Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?

Night after night, a Wolf prowled around a flock of sheep, but the shepherd always chased the Wolf away.

One night the Wolf found the skin of a sheep that had been cast aside and been forgotten.

Have you heard about the Old Lion and the Fox?
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Have you heard about the Old Lion and the Fox?

There once was an old Lion, whose teeth and claws were worn. Finding food was difficult, so he pretended to be very sick.

He ensured that all his neighbours heard about his illness, and then he’d lay down in his cave to wait for visitors.

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